Artistic Avenger

Inkspirations Colour Challenge #48


This week, Keesh has challenged us all with a great colour challenge at the Inkspirations Challenge Blog. Now at first glance you may think this is a perfect combo for a holiday card and you would not be mistaken but because that was obvious, I wanted to do something non-holiday. You know me, anything I can do to make my life more creatively challenged! Here are the colours for the challenge this week:

I started with a Whisper White card base and despite my intense need to either stamp or texture it, I decided to leave it clean and simple.

Next, I added a horizontal layer of Real Red which was textured with the Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder. On the bottom and a bit in behind this, I added a strip from the Celebrations Quick Accents pack.

For the image piece, I first started with an Old Olive piece and then layered with a Crumb Cake layer which I stamped the A to Z stamp on with Crumb Cake ink.

A 1 3/4″ circle of Real Red was adhered next and then the little ewe which is from the stamp set Pun Fun. I stamped it on some watercolour paper and coloured it in, cut it out and adhered with a dimensional or two. I also added Crystal Effects to the heart but I don’t think you can really see that in the photo.

After adding a Crumb Cake button with a little bit of cardstock to act as thread, I added a Medium Jewelry Tag with “thank ewe” stamped on it and looped onto the top of the A to Z piece with a bit of cardstock and some linen thread.

Hope you like it and I hope you’ll join us at the Inkspirations Challenge Blog this week. Check out what my fellow Design Team members have been up to this week too by checking out their links below.


12 thoughts on “Inkspirations Colour Challenge #48

  1. I love it! So cute! TFS!

  2. The colours DO look cool on a non-Holiday card 😀 Adorable paired with the sheep!


  3. Love the ruffled ribbon with the big button and the tiny tag on the top is fabulous. Great use of this week’s colours 🙂

  4. Ah, you’re just TOO clever! Love everything about it. The tiny tag is the perfect finishing touch.

  5. This is just so cute Carrie, I love the image from Pun Fun and really like the A to Z background on the crumb cake. All the extra details are just perfect too, the button, the ruffled ribbon and the accent from the Celebrations pack.
    I love th way you’ve used this weeks colours.
    Hope you have a great week.

  6. Oh my goodness, this is just too cute for words! Aren’t ewe soooo creative and clever?! Thanks for stopping by my blog today…{hugs}!

  7. I adore your style, Carrie! This is one of my fave but least used sets and you’ve made me wonder why I haven’t used it in so long! Great job, my friend!


  8. I adore this layout, Carrie! Fabulous card!

  9. Love it Carrie! I’m the same I must admit. I have trouble leaving things crisp and clean (particularly the base) and always have a huge desire to spritz, stamp, sponge or distress them, but I simply adore what you have done. I must try it more often. LOL! I did however just played along with the latest CAS, I did stamp the base though! LMAO!
    Kirsty xx

  10. I can understand the urge to do something with the white background … but I think you made the absolute right decision. I love the simplicity. Thanks for saying hi on my blog! Hugs xxaxx

  11. Absolutely adorable card Carrie! This little guy always makes me smile! Love your layout & the clean white base!

Thanks for taking the time to comment, I very much appreciate it!